Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dobrodošle bebe!!

27 Mar 20
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Bok, mi smo vam stigli na svijet!! 💟

20200325 - Baby blue

Mene zovu Baby Blue dečko, a imam još 3 brata i 4 seke. Malo nas fali za nogometnu momčad 🙈🙈🙈

Dobro smo, lijepo rastemo. Neka teta Mateja nas važe svako jutro i svaku večer. Da, nije baš normalna…

Mamica se lijepo brine o nama, a kad dojuri k nama natrag iz šetnje, onda nas zove, cmuže i guguće. A ne znam kak ne kuži da mi još ne vidimo ni ne čujemo, džabe joj 😉

Ne možemo mi ni sami regulirati tjelesnu temperaturu pa se onda stisnemo uz mamici i jedni uz druge, a tu je i infracrvena lampa koja nas grije.

Neki od nas su već jakooo dugo očekivani i njihovi ljudi jedva čekaju da dovoljno narastemo i možemo k njima, a nekoliko nas još čeka svoje buduće ljude.

Šaljemo vam puse i idemo dalje sisati! 🍼🍼🍼

E, da, vele da imamo neku rodovnicu i da ju možete vidjeti ovdje:

We are expecting golden retriever puppies!!

23 Oct 19
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We would like to announce golden retriever puppies that will arrive at the beginning of November 2019! Pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound!
We expect beautiful, healthy and active puppies, with excellent character.

Sire: JCh.Ch Wonder Famous Gold Od Kamenne Hradby “Ranger” (Ch. Vanlijnden Our Prince Harry x Journey to Happiness Famous Gold)
HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free
CEA, KAT, PRA clear
Glaucoma free
Hearth clear
Natural ability test
FCI working test

Dam: Marinianis Anita Redcliffe “Annie” (Ch. Kimi Adekatos Poland x Ch. Diana Of Sunnyfields)
HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free
GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, PRA-PRCD clear, GRMD clear
ICT carrier
Hearth clear
Natural ability test

This will be the first litter from a girl that is born in our kennel. 😍
Puppies will be ready to go to new, loving homes at the end of December. We are looking for responsible owners, that will treat puppy as an equal member of the family.

If you are interested in our puppies or you have any additional question, you can contact us on +385996838945,, FB page or PM.

Big thanks to the owners of beautiful Ranger, Marijana Račić and Anna Weber for making this combination possible 🙂


We expect Border Collie puppies!!!

12 May 19
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We would like to announce border collie puppies that will arrive in the middle of June 2019! Pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound 🙂
We expect beautiful, healthy and active puppies.
Sire: JCh BIH, JCh CRO, Ch CRO Loth Ardens Applause To Coll „Apollo“
HD A, ED 0/0
TNS, CL, CEA clear by parentage

Dam: JCh BIH, Ch BIH Alba Bardick Magick Border Collies „Alba“
HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free
TNS, CL, CEA clear
CEA, KAT, PRA clear
Glaucoma free
Hearth clear
Activities: Canicross, Agility A1 L

Puppies will be ready to go to a new, loving home in the middle of August. We are looking for responsible owners, that will treat puppy as an equal member of the family.
Find more info about puppies and future parents here: FB
If you are interested in our puppies or you have any additional question, you can contact us on +3856838945,, FB page or PM to Mateja Tuscic.


Education of kindergartens

27 Mar 19
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Diana Of Sunnyfields “Didi” and Bella made us again proud and helped educate kindergarten children in the City of Youth. Education is organized by the Office for Emergency Management, and we, as members of the KOSSP Zagreb club talked about the dogs and present how the dogs are working 🐶

Curious kids have learned what to do in case of fire, flood or earthquake, and what it means when they are lost in the woods, and the dog finds and barks them.

Didi and Bella showed kids the tricks she knew and loved in ❤️

Prvi rođendan Marinianis uzgajivačnice

05 Feb 19
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Naš cilj je uzgajati zdrave i vesele zlatne retrivere. Volimo da su psi dobri u radu, ali nam je drago i kada odlično prolaze na izložbama. Osim toga, nabavkom našeg štenete, postajete i dio naše obitelji. Tu smo za vas, što god treba, kada god treba. Pa se tako nastavljamo družiti i nakon što štene ode u novi dom. Čujemo se i vidimo se kada prolazimo kroz vaš grad, a drago nam je kada se i vi javite nama kad ste u Zagrebu. Ako vam treba čuvanje psa, naš broj može biti prvi odabir. I to besplatno, naravno. Jer ipak je to štene dio naše obitelji i sretni smo da možemo provesti vrijeme s njim 🙂

Isto tako, radimo okupljanja i slavimo rođendane. U rujnu smo se okupili kako bismo proslavili 1. rođendan pasa iz našeg “A” legla. Možda zvuči ludo, ali poanta je da se ljudi i psi druže i zabavljaju 🙂 Ročkas smo proslavili u VauLandu, zabavno – rekreativnom parku za pse.

Došla nam je Lilly iz Splita, sa svojom obitelji, Vita iz Slovenije i svi njezini, Annie iz Zagreba, a dečki, Ogi iz Sarajeva i Asi iz Rijeke su nažalost zakazali. No nema veze, doći će oni sljedeći puta 😉

Ljudi su se počastili ručkom, a psi su dobili hrpu keksića i tortu. Svi zajedno su jeli i nije bilo svađe. A takvi goldeni i trebaju biti 🙂

Kako nam je bilo možete vidjeti na fotkama… <3


20 Mar 18
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Judge: Beata Petkevich (LAT)

Diana Of Sunnyfields – 2,5 years – Champion Class – Excellent I, CAC, CACIB, Best female, NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION

Our “A” litter has arrived!

13 Sep 17
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***Marinianis “A” litter born on 15th of August 2017***


We have 3 girls and 2 boys from proud parents, Didi & Kimi! Both puppies and mommy are doing great!



Kimi Adekatos Poland (Zoolander Oligarchia x Kayah Adekatos Poland)

Show results:

  • Junior Champion of Poland,
  • Champion of Poland,
  • European Vice Winner,
  • Top golden retriever of Poland 2015.

HD A, ED 0/0


CEA, KAT, PRA clear

Glaucoma free


Diana Of Sunnyfields (JWW Dewmist Hope Of Harlequin x Messano Goes To Sunnyfields)

Show results:

  • Junior Champion of Slovenia,
  • Junior Champion of Croatia,
  • Junior Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Champion of Croatia,
  • Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • opened Championship of Slovenia and Austria

HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free

GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, GR-PRCD clear, ICT carrier

CEA, KAT, PRA clear

Glaucoma free

Hearth clear

Puppies will be ready to go to a new, loving home at the begining of November. We are looking for responsible owners, that will treat puppy as an equal member of the family.



Puppies pedigree


Golden Retriever puppies in Marinianis kennel!

25 Jul 17
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We would like to announce golden retriever puppies that will arrive in the middle of August 2017!

We expect beautiful, healthy and active puppies, with excellent character.

Kimi-AdekatosSire: Vice European Winner, Pl JCh, Pl Ch Kimi Adekatos Poland

HD A, ED 0/0


CEA, KAT, PRA clear

Glaucoma free


Dam: Multi JCh, Cro Ch, BiH Ch Diana Of Sunnyfields 2017_Cro_Vž_01

HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free


CEA, KAT, PRA clear

Glaucoma free

Hearth clear


Puppies will be ready to go to a new, loving home at the end of October. We are looking for responsible owners, that will treat puppy as an equal member of the family.

If you are interested in our puppies or you have any additional question, you can contact us on +385996838945,, FB page or PM to Mateja Tuscic.

KOSSP Zagreb search and rescue workshop 2017

27 Jun 17
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KOSSP Zagreb Search and Rescue workshop was organized from 23rd to 25th June 2017 on Petehovac. Petehovac Mountain Center is located in the hinterland of Rijeka and the Kvarner Coast, in the central area of Gorski Kotar and close to the town Delnice. Petehovac Petehovac is a cradle of Croatian hiking and skiing, located at an altitude of 1035 m.


70 dogs from Croatia and Slovenia came to the exercise, and upon arrival they were divided into 8 different groups. One search was scheduled for Friday, on Saturday two and Sunday one again. In addition to standard forest searches, searches in ruins and simulation of search exam were organized. The search consists of sending the dog in the desired direction, dog searches the terrain and when he finds the lost person, notifies his guide by barking. After that, dos are awarded with food or toys.

A lecture about maintrailing was held on Friday by Matjaž Zanut. Maintrailing is the skill in which the dog follows the scent of a certain person. A lecture about dog obedience and solving problems in rescue obedience was held on Sunday by Ivan Miholić.


Didi was in a team with border collie Juppy, aussie Speed, labrador Donom, doberman Saga, samojed Plišom, german shepard Hernes and husky Kira. On Friday we first tried a search for one person to see what degree of knowledge was the dog. We made a simple search, the lost person was hidden along the way and all dogs found it very quickly. All tree days, searching was done without motivation. This means that the dog does not know where the lost person is hidden and the person does not give him any sound or visual signal – such as calling or waving. After the first search, we did another search in the tall grass. That was rather complicated to the dogs because the scent travels differently in tall grass than in the woods. Dogs were jumping in order to move easier and to catch the smell in the air. With some help, they also overcame this obstacle.


The second day we went to a harder field, which was quite steep. Dogs have been very successful again. Generally, natural barrier are quite complicated to the dogs, so if they find a creek, for example, it will happen that they will turn and continue searching along the creek rather than crossing it. On the video you can see Didi in search over two barriers. Some dogs have done altitude search on this training, which means that the markers are hiding on the tree.

In the afternoon we had a simulation of the exam situation. Since Didi officially trained for only 3 months, she did not go to the simulation. But she did search for 6 lost persons in a single search, without coming back to her guide. Lost persons were hidden 5 to 30 m away from the road.


The last day we were back on the steep terrain so dogs were doing a search along contours line.

U ova tri dana naučili smo zbilja puno, susreli smo se s različitim razmišljanjima, metodama rada, različitim terenima, markirantima i za kraj, uvježbali smo lajanje. 🙂 Hvala Jasni Šporar, koja nas je vodila ova tri dana, na svim savjetima i predivnim slikicama.

Nakon ovog tabora, motivacija je definitivno porasla i jedva čekamo sljedeći trening i naravno, brojimo 365 dana do sljedećeg tabora.


(Dio zagrebačkog tima)

Special dog show for Retrievers and Spaniels, CACIB Zagreb 25.-27.11.2016.

30 Nov 16
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Zagreb is one of the dog shows we’re really looking forward to. This dog show is held in our home town, and in the same time, we helped in organization of “Croatian Sheepdog World Championship 2016.” On Saturday, 29.11. was also offical confirmation of our Croatian breed – tornjak. After the show we went to a dinner with border collie owners from Croatia, Italy and Greece.

On the show we have seen a lot of friends and acquaintance and we also acchieved excellent results. On Frieday, on a special dog show of retrievers and spaniels, where was 28 Golden Retrievers – Didi became Best Opposite Sex! She moved like a rocket through the ring!

On Saturday she was excellent and on Sunday she got first CAC title on International Dog Show in Croatia.

Special dog show for Retrievers and Spaniels 25.11.

Judge: Jana Janekova (SK)

Diana Of Sunnyfields – 15 months – Intermedia Class – Excellent I, CAC, Best female, Best Opposite Sex

CACIB Zagreb 26.11.

Judge: Lui Oliviera (POR)

Diana Of Sunnyfields – 15 months – Intermedia Class – Excellent

CACIB Zagreb 27.11.

Judge: Grzegorz Weron (POL)

Diana Of Sunnyfields – 15 months – Intermedia Class – Excellent I, CAC
